Our Mission

Our mission is to design a future for K-12 education steeped in radical learning and agency to support children's curiosity, creativity, interests and right to play. Technology is a driving force in our current and future reality. Technology can be magical when designed and applied to amplify the intrinsic motivation of children, educators, administrators and families. Investment in human ingenuity in tandem with technology can make our wildest dreams come true in K-12 education.

To support our vision and achieve our mission, we have a set of principles grounded in equity, liberation and intersectionality, that guide our practice, work and research.


one size fits one.

Marginalized populations are at the center of our work. Historically (and today), these communities were forced to use products or participate in programs that don’t meet their needs because no one is designing with them. This leads to greater illiteracy and loss of educational opportunities for children with disabilities, and prevents girls from thriving in the STEAM fields. We support inclusive and universal design, which means one size fits one, not one size fits all.


learners in the driver seat.

Learning is wildly fun and effective when it’s passionate, personal and interest-driven. Studies have consistently shown that learner-centered environments and approaches are motivating, inspiring and lead to better educational outcomes. Grounded in the work of progressive education pioneers like Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Frantz Fanon, Paulo Freire, Maria Montessori, W.E.B. Dubois, John Dewey, Lev Vygotsky, John Holt and Seymour Papert, we are dedicated to designing solutions that encourage learners to forge their own learning pathways.


everyone is a designer.

Solutions cannot truly be designed for a user or community when users themselves aren’t included in the design process, with the agency to lead. Their participation is critical not only to create a successful solution, but also to secure their buy-in and adoption after the solution is released into the world.


technology amplifies human intent.

We believe that technology can transcend its status as  “just a tool” when it is designed to nourish children’s creativity, imagination and curiosity. We are committed to working with our partners to identify and design products and holistic learning experiences that amplify good pedagogy and build community.